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Organic Food Trivia

by Aisha Bauer 11 Aug 2023
1. Over 500 chemicals are commonly used in conventional farming with more with more than 6 billion pounds of pesticides being used on crops each year.

2. 5 Common Dangers of BPA Found in Consumer Packaging
a) Erodes teeth, causes hypersensitivity and increases cavity risk
b) Causes arrhythmia (erratic beating of heart)
c) Decreases sex drive and disrupts hormones
d) Spurs insulin resistance, pancreatic disturbances and weight gain
e) Causes multi-generational endocrine damages

3. Pesticidesused by farmers leave residue on produce. Organic farmers use insect traps, careful crop selection (disease-resistant varieties), predator insects or beneficial micro-organisms instead to control crop-damaging pests.

4. According to a study done by a team of scientists from the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences aided by a Newcastle University scientist, rats fed organic produce were slimmer, slept better, and had stronger immune systems than those fed conventionally grown foods.

5. When humans digest genetically modified foods (GMO's), the artificially created genes transfer into and alter the character of the beneficial bacteria in the intestines and cause cumulative irritation to stomach and entire digestive tract.

6. “Natural ingredients” sounds harmless enough, but it usually stands for soy and corn based ingredients, which mean hidden GMOs.

7. An apple, grown conventionally, may have been sprayed up to 16 times with over 30 different chemicals

8. While washing fruits and vegetables does reduce pesticide residue, some pesticides are absorbed internally in the plant and cannot be washed off.

9. Industry analysts estimate that US organic food sales were $28 billion in 2012 (over 4 percent of total at-home food sales), up 11 percent from 2011.

10. The USDA National Organic Standards prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in products that are labeled “100% organic. In other words, products that are completely organic — such as fruits, vegetables, eggs or other single-ingredient foods — are labeled 100 percent organic and can carry the USDA seal.
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