Buy Wellness Blog

5 Reasons to Choose Organic Foods & Healthy Wellness Products.

What is better than money? Most people would say - "more money". But the reality is that it is not. Health is wealth. No amount of money can bring you happiness if you are unhealthy. The quality of your life depends on the balance you create between - Health Wealth & Happiness. Quantified research shows that the impact of good health on your...

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Are all cosmetics really safe, natural and earth friendly?

As a people, we are collectively becoming more concerned about toxins in our earth and environment, the pollution spewed into our air and oceans. This is a good sign and very encouraging.  However turn on the TV, leaf through a magazine, even the contemporary "alternative" ones, and you will see more and more skin care companies are on the "natural" “safe” and "organic"...

On by Aisha Bauer 0 Comments

Aromatic Wellness for you from Pure Essential oils......

What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, from different parts of plants like bark, roots, leaves, flowers, stems etc. for psychological and physical well-being. These oils are called Essential Oils in general. Essential oils, the pure essence of a plant, have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly and safely. Absolutes, Elixirs and Synergies...

On by Aisha Bauer 0 Comments

Aromatherapy, an art, a science and the use of essential oils -down the ages..

Using plant essence in different forms for healing and refreshment is not a new thing. Since last thousands of years plants essences are in use in form of oils, medicines and incenses. Old cultures like India, China, Egypt and Romans are using essential oils since last several centuries.In deep past, many thousands years back BC in India plant extracts were used for...

On by Aisha Bauer 0 Comments

Understanding the Basics of Ayurveda - Air Fire Water

According to Ayurveda, the universe is divided into 5 structural elements: SPACE, AIR, FIRE, WATER AND EARTH These 5 structural elements make up the 3 doshas: VATA, PITTA + KAPHA....

On by Aisha Bauer 0 Comments

CAYENNE - GINGER- TURMERIC -FIGHT - Obesity, inertia weakness

CAYANNE - GINGER- TURMERIC Ayurveda’s Secret Weapon to FIGHT - Obesity, inertia weakness and digestive problems. Cayenne is a well-known digestive aid. It stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the flow of...

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Organic Food Trivia

1. Over 500 chemicals are commonly used in conventional farming with more with more than 6 billion pounds of pesticides being used on crops each year.2. 5 Common Dangers of...

On by Aisha Bauer 0 Comments